#nikita ramsay
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severingt · 6 months ago
Eddie and Lina
So, this is about my Great Uncle and Aunt, in America, 2810, 36th street Astoria, New York.  My great Uncle, was my grandmother's brother. I'm not sure whether he was half-brother or brother, and he went to New York. I don’t know why he went to New York, make his fortune, I suppose. But he didn't do that. He ended up being ripped off. He jumped ship, that's right, he must been in a navy, so he jumped ship, and he was hiding out with other, so he must’ve jumped ship in America, and he was hiding out with other Maltese. There was a Maltese enclave in Astoria, I found out and he jumped ship and he was living with them and they were ripping him off wholesale, apparently.
Not quite sure how he got together with Aunt Lina, but he was an office cleaner or a window cleaner, one of the other.
My aunt had adopted a boy called Howard. Apparently, when he grew up, he joined the Army and when he came back from his tours of duty, he didn’t want to know Eddie or Lina is video Lina and never heard of him again. We never know him anyway; I think we got a photo in somewhere.
Somewhere along the line, and I don’t know how they managed this on that kind of money; because he can't have been on great money doing window cleaning, but they had a summer place which a lot of New Yorkers did. In the summer, they leave a city and go out to Staten Island and so they had this place I could remember it well in Staten Island. They owned other parts of Staten Island and they must’ve bought it up really cheap at some stage, and other people had places on there and they used to collect rent off of that.
Eddie enjoyed fishing and there were many photos of him and his pals in a small boat out on the water. He gave me a split cane boat rod and reel, although ownership is questioned. Both stayed in M&Ds bedroom collecting dust for decades. Much later, I took it to work where a guy restored the reel. Dad asked for it back and promptly gave it away. Why do that?
Eddie and Lina came to the UK early to mid-60’s with Nancy. I remember dad renting a Ford Zephyr 6 to go get them from the airport which I can’t see was much bigger than the Morris Oxford he then owned but we learned long ago that logic evaded him.
When we went over, in 1968, just after my grandad died, dad wasn't supposed to come with us and they were supposed to look after each other or something. I can't remember exactly what it was. So, in the end he decided to come with us, we went over and stayed at 2810, 36th street for a week, and 2 weeks out of the city in Staten Island. Interestingly, we were in NYC early June 1968 as Bobby Kennedy was laying in state in St. Patricks Cathedral 6-8 June 1968. [PT]
Anyway, coming into JFK but we didn’t really do much in the city. We hung around the apartment in Astoria a lot, we didn’t seem to go anywhere. However, we did go for one evening to my aunts’ Irish friends, the Collins. I can remember them asking if I wanted a drink and I said yes and that was an end to it. I waited for them to get me something and they expected me to do self-service.
They also had a color TV and I remember watching Tarzan [the Ron Ely version] and the color was so bad that Tarzan was running in B&W and behind him running was the color, never actually catching up.
We went into the city for at least a day because we have photos of the UN building, we went up the Empire State building and we visited the big stores. I can remember being in a café or diner when a cop walked in and sat close by. I was transfixed with the gun on his hip. We also went to Radio City Music Hall and watched the Odd Couple with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau which was brand new at that time. There were dancing girls akin to the UK TV show, Sunday Night at the London Palladium. I remember my aunt having a fit as there were a bunch of nuns in the audience. Different times
I do remember buying Captain Action previously in New York City from either JCPenney or one of the other big boys. You know, Macy's somewhere like that. I’ve still got him. Because I was already a fan of the DC comics and Batman and Superman. It was in these comics that I discovered Captain Action as he was advertised in there, that's what I wanted. You couldn’t buy him in England. So I bought him and a Superman costume because he was being able to change between superman, Batman Green Hornet Spider-Man. God knows how it worked with copyright for all the different companies involved.
I remember the rubber band inside that held him together, pinged off so dad had to mend that. It was actually one of the things that he got right because it's been alright ever since it's still upstairs, this is rambling, isn't it?
So, my aunt was a great cook, so mum said, but then anyone who could make a slice of toast without burning it was a great cook to my mum.
At some stage, we went up to Sonny’s farm. Now Sonny’s farm was upstate New York. It was a chicken farm or egg farm whichever, and there is movie of that as well. And he was a big big fellow with a big cigar, he came down to pick us up in, I think, it was a Ford Fairlane, got us all in anyway and drove us back up to the farm. On the way he managed to get in the wrong lane when something was happening ahead and the policeman that was directing traffic told him to turn one way and Sonny said ‘but I don’t wanna go that way, I wanna go over there’. The cop wasn’t having any of it and Sonny had to comply.
Some say his wife was a drunk, I don't know, but anyway he was a big boy. I remember her cooking in this frying pan that which was almost flat with the amount of charred whatever in it. Food tasted ok though to a 10-year-old.
One of the days we were there, Sonny fired up the BBQ and cooked steak. Dad took a [out of focus] photo of the raw meat with a pack of Peter Stuyvesant cigarettes to show the size of the meat. Once again there is film of this BBQ
The ranch had a snow sledge in the middle of the green and there is film of us riding one of their horses.
We had fun because his kids had bicycles and they were at school, so me and my brother had to hang out together and we use their bicycles. Of course, we had never come across banana seat bicycles before with cow horn handlebars, classic American bicycle, the Schwinn. The back brake was pedal backwards which locked the rear wheel. We had great fun riding down from the chicken shed, down the slope and getting to the bottom and it was all gravel and we were able to pedal backwards and skid which is also captured on film. It was fun for us at 10 and 8 years old.
Sonny had a trotting track which was curiously American invention where you have buggies and the rider sits on the back and the horses aren't allowed to gallop, they have to trot, so it's a specific thing. So, he's getting the track ready for the new season. He had this ex-military Willy's Jeep that he [I think] attached an old bed spring to the back of the Jeep and dragged it round the track. This was to soften the track and to even it out after the winter, I guess. Also, on film. We weren’t there for any of the races
I can't even remember coming back from there, but we did and someone, maybe Mrs Collins, those were the Irish friends from Astoria.
Astoria was a combination just like our family, really, between Irish and Maltese. Anyway, I am fairly sure they gave us a lift to Staten Island as I remember going by car.
Whilst in Staten Island, my aunt's friend came over, Sally and her kids and 2nd husband. Doug, Sally’s first husband, died just after having a medical examination that showed he was in good health. Her 2nd husband was a typical American, long thin. He shot himself at some stage. I think he was an alcoholic and he shot himself and so as his wife.
They came over with Nancy and the other kids and of course I had a crush on Nancy from previous when they’d come to England. And that was the first we’d seen of Polaroids and instant photos and tape recorders. We’ve got some Polaroids which [mum said] were meant not to last but 55+ years later they’re still around; how long do you want a photo to last? So here we had a fun with them.
My Uncle had a stroke and he wasn't very mobile at all. So, most things were being done around him.
So, I could remember going round with my aunt to these different places. I think as Mrs Messenger or someone, maybe that was in New York can’t remember. I remember going to the garage at this guy’s place. It was a massive garage and it was like the size of downstairs of Jenkins Grove with all the walls knocked down and probably bigger than that. Tools all methodically stored and spotlessly clean anyway, it's beside the point.
Now, as I remember Staten Island it was a wooden building, like a static. Bigger than one of our statics mind you.  It had an outside toilet and there was no drainage. So, you had the outside toilet, a little wooden shack that you could barely turn around in a board across the back end of it with a seat with a hole. I kind of remember blue but god knows; perhaps that would be in one of the films the old man took anyway.
It was a good thing to go take a crap in the morning because the bucket was empty. Basically, a big tin bucket and you go round the back of the outside toilet open this hatch and pull this bucket out which is which by the end of the day, is you know, basically like most Tories full of shit. That's why it's advisable to go to the toilet in the morning. Because the higher it got, and the lower you dangled and the later you leave it, the more chance of the 2 meeting. Lina got dad to dig a pit to throw the contents of the bucket in. Great holiday pastime.
I could remember going over there to open the place up. It had shutters on the windows and we had to take all the shutters down. We had to go over by the Staten Island ferry, there’s photos of me and my brother going over past the Statue of Liberty. We had little knowledge of any of this stuff back in ‘68, you know.
I can remember opening up and the part that was actually Eddie and Linas had a long strip of grass all the way down to the ocean, their own private beach on the ocean and a little pier I remember. It was a little sandy beach and so in the water was these, I don’t know what they’re really called, but we call them horseshoe crabs and they had a big shell on the back and a big spiky tail that if you trod on the shell, the tail went up in the air and your next step that went straight through your foot. Not sure how that would happen, actually, because if you tread on the thing, then you're quite safe as a thing, comes up. Your next step isn't going to be, you know an inch, is it? Anyway, we used to get the drift wood on the beach. One of our jobs when we first got there was to get all the drift wood off of the beach and pile it up and we made a bonfire.
Anyway, me and Pete used to go down to the pier with some of this driftwood and used to kill these bloody crabs through the water, just smash them on the back. We were really environmentalists at the time, you know real nature conservationists and all that crap. It's what kids do isn’t it?
That’s where my hatred of melons came from. My aunt bought some melon, it probably wasn't the melon, but I remember eating melon over there and being sick, you know bad and I didn't eat melon again. Never, even the smell used to make me wretch. So, I didn't eat melon again until I met Althia in 2017 and I don't know what made me then, she just bought it, you know, so I just ate it, and it was fine, took a bit of nerve, but I did it anyway I digress.
I don't remember much about the inside of the place on Staten Island; obviously, there were bedrooms not sure there were enough bedrooms for all of us. There would be a bedroom for me and Pete, Granny, a bedroom for my aunt and Uncle bedroom for mum and dad.
Then we heard that Uncle Eddie had died and Lina went into about a million years’ worth of grief. So, I remember mum getting letters from Lina which were rambling on about how much she missed her Eddie and all that crap.
Lina and our maternal grandmother went on a tour which involved a stay in Malta at some stage, they were both widows by then.
Then we don't know what I'm not sure what happened. Don't know when she died, don’t know what happened after she died. I don't know how we knew that she died, not sure that mum didn't write to Mrs Collins or someone and find out that's as much as I know about them.
with help from Pete
Sept 2024
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th3b4dk1dzz · 3 years ago
Nikita trying to be sexy only to have it backfire and to have his shirt dangling from the mic wire while Gordon Ramsay looks on in disapproval is so funny.
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innuendodancing · 3 years ago
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sailorzakuro · 3 years ago
Strictly Come Dancing 2021: Week One Dances Review (Part 2)
Nina and Neil (Samba) - I can absolutely say I did NOT expect that oh my god 😍. I do think there was some overpraising, I felt like her top half needed a lot more work cleaning up and executing moves fully, it seemed to be thrown around rather than moved around if that makes sense, but the leg action and the footwork was absolutely amazing she performed such difficult techniques and made it look good, so a very well done from me 👍.
Tilly and Nikita (Waltz) - She definitely had the absolute elegance of the dance style, she synced well with Nikita and managed to make her footwork look graceful despite doing them incorrectly. I did feel like her arms needed work, I think she was holding them too straight at the elbow so they lacked some shaping, but that can easily be fixed should she do another ballroom dance.
Judi and Graziano (American Smooth) - Judi HAD IT omg, she brought such a character to the dance while not stepping too far into the comedy, it stayed classy. Like Tilly she synced really well with Graziano and I really liked her frame, I'm pleasantly surprised by her ballroom efforts if I'm being honest 😂.
Okay so I really cannot be bothered listing the entire song and dance list for this week on here mainly cos idk any of the songs so where's the fun lol but it's nice to see that everyone's changing it up for their second dance so we can see another side to them before one of them goes.
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westerosiladies · 5 years ago
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-Nikita Gill
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ssj2hindudude · 2 years ago
do you have any AruxAiden wedding headcanons? Thanks!
I'm glad you asked! I've been thinking of the parent's weddings and stuff in-between the two series but they didn't really seem to fit in anywhere. Anyway, glad I have a chance to talk about it! Enjoy!
It starts with one of their dates. Just a casual stroll in the park with small talk. Stuff they've been working on, upcoming missions, etc.
"Have you ever thought how crazy it is that in a past life, I married you because you won a contest and I was the prize?"
"It's pretty insane. You would make a cute princess though."
"Ha ha. And somehow, that doesn't come close to how crazy it was when we first met... correction: how crazy YOU were."
"Ok, so I was a little nervous! Where are you going with this?" They reach a lake. The sun is setting. Aiden doesn't have any smolder whatsoever, but they both are thinking the other looks perfect.
"You are the craziest person I've ever met. Whenever I look at you, I'm always asking 'Why are you like this, Shah?'"
"To which I should answer 'Because you love it, Acharya.'"
"You're right. I do love it. Almost as much as I love you." He gets down to the ground on one knee and before Aru can react, he pulls out a small box.
"Arundhati Shah, you have been the death of me, brought me back to life, and now I can't imagine anyone I'd rather spend this new life, or any other life with." As she gasps and tears well up in her eyes, Aiden opens the box and reveals a small gold ring with a lightning bolt pattern etched on and a brilliant diamond set in it.
"Aru Shah, will you marry me?"
Crying and laughing, Aru says "This is so cliche and cheesy, why is it working?!? Why are YOU like this, Acharya???"
"So, is that a ye-" "YES! YES, WIFEY! YES!" She jumps right into his arms and they go tumbling into the lake. They're soaked, but as Aiden slips the ring on her finger, they're so happy that neither of them care.
Everyone has various reactions when they tell them the news. "CONGRATULATIONS" goes Mini and Sheela. "It's about time." goes Brynne and Nikita. "Dibs on best man!" goes Rudy.
The wedding is a traditional Hindu wedding, similar to the one they went to in CoG, only it's not snow based and in a hotel.
A part of the Museum is sectioned off for the ceremony. Specifically, the area with Indra's statute and various mementos from the Pandavas' travels. Magical decorative storm clouds cover the ceiling, their lightning flashes giving the room a soft glow. At the same time, Nikita arranged it so pink flower petals floated all around the room.
Brynne, of course, handled the catering, making all of the couple's favorites and going Gordon Ramsay on any imperfections.
It was an intimate ceremony of their closest friends and family: Aru's sisters, their parents, and the adjacents like Rudy and Hira.
They followed the traditional rules from Tumeric to henna to Aiden showing up on an elephant with Rudy leading the procession both with his own music and dancing.
Nikita took charge of their outfits of course. Aiden is wearing a silk kurta so intricate that it dazzled and shined as though it has smolder of its own. He wore a pink turban with a jewel and feather in the center.
As the time came for the ceremony, Mini helps Aru finish up and leaves the room at Krithika's request so they can have a quit chat alone.
"I never thought I'd see this day."
"Me neither"
"You look beautiful."
"I look better than I feel. I have no idea what lies ahead. I'm about to start a new life. After all this time of living with you, with my sisters, now I'm really gonna be on my own."
Krithika gives a sad, but understanding smile. "Aru, do you love Aiden?"
"No, mom. I'm marrying him because I like going through days worth of rituals and wearing a ton of heavy jewelry!"
"Aru!" "Fine! Yes, I love him mom!"
"Then trust me when I say you are about to be part of something amazing. And no matter what you will never be alone. You'll always have me and your sisters to turn to. Only now, you will especially have him and he will have you."
"I wonder if Aiden is as scared as me."
"Knowing how men are, he's probably twice as scared as you."
"He's probably scared that we won't make it. That we'll end up like his parents or even worse, like-"
"Hey, listen. You two are nothing like me, your father, or Aiden's parents. This is your relationship, your marriage, your lifelong bond and only you two will decide how it's going to go. I believe that no matter what, you two will know what to do." The pandit calls, saying it's the auspicious time. "It's time. Let's go."
Everyone is in awe as Aru walks down the stairs towards the sacred fire. Nikita really outdid herself. It was as if Aru was wearing the soft glow of the sky as the sun was rising while the stars were still twinkling up above. As she carried herself with her mom holding her and Mini and Brynne following, her silk sari made it appear as though she was floating down the stairs. As she makes it over to Aiden, they smile at each other, Krithika and the others make their way to their seats, and the ceremony begins.
Everything moves as though it were an art. From the tying of Aru's sari to Aiden's scarf, to walking around the fire seven times as everyone throws flower petals (thunder booming after each sacred vow), to tying Aru's new black beaded mangal-sutra (wedding necklace) and Aiden finally adorning her forehead with vermillion. It was perfect...
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arushahseries · 4 years ago
Can u do some headcanons on the potatoes as adult. And just to be clear: Kara lives and have reconcile with the Potatoes.
sure :D
-Mini is the adult who packs everything for trips and plans everything and has backup plans for literally every single scenario, even ones like someone getting struck by lightning and someone getting kidnapped by a shark. She's better at planning than the rest of them combined. Mini is the responsible adult, who never drives over speed limits and chooses a safe but fun thing to do when they are bored. She also loves sewing and knits sweater for all of them during winter. Mini works as a doctor
-Aru is the crazy adult who makes dad jokes and quotes LOTR 24/7. She is really messy and without mini to help her organise, her room would look like a dumpyard. She works as an interior designer and can make any room look neat and beautiful(apart from hers). She chews gum all the time and always has like 3 packets of chewing gum with her. she's also too cool for cars and she rides a motorcycle instead(she would prefer a giant hoverboard but the weapons are gone)
-Brynne is a cook(duh). She's like Gordon ramsay 2.0. Everyone is terrified of her, probably because she loves to yell at people when they add 0.02 spoons of extra salt. She makes awesome food every day for the potatoes and hates it when someone interferes with her cooking. She also loves animals. She and Hira go on dates and brynne usually takes them to some cool restaurant or a wildlife park.
- Aiden usually just take cool pictures of brynne's food but also takes great candid shots. Aru loves to photo-bomb his pictures and this annoys him every single time. He's super nice to everyone and always leaves a good tip at restaurants. He also hates heights and never goes on the roller coasters in amusement parks
-Nikita is a fashion designer and gets like 1483 random rose boquets from strangers on valentines day. unfortunately for them, she is not interested in a partner. She loves to fix the potatoes outfits and often gets annoyed at brynne because she is prone to spilling food on her clothes which nikita designed while cooking.
-sheela is an artist and she is really creative. sometimes she gets random prophecies at 3 in the morning. She's definitely one of the nicest potatoes and has like endless patience. All her clothes have some sort of celestial creature on it. Her favourite colours are silver and light purple. She's also really peaceful and whenever they get into arguments, she just leaves and doesn't get involved.
-rudy doesn't even need to work because he is so damn rich. He used to be stuck up but then the potatoes convinced him to give some to charity, but even then he has like a LOT of money. He plays the guitar really well and usually plays rock but can play other styles too. He is also into disney movies and has memorized all the songs
-kara is just there and she's very quiet and everyone underestimates her. She also rarely get's angry, but when she does, it's scary. She's a writer and she's amazing at her job. She loves decorating her stuff and has a great handwriting which everyone is jealous of. She rarely sleeps and stays up researching random things for her novels lol
I can't really say much for hira because she's barely there and we know nothing about her other than the fact that she's shy, she's nice and that brynne likes her.
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124daisies · 3 years ago
Tilly Ramsay & Nikita Kuzmin - Spooky Movies (Cha Cha Cha)
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luciochaves · 3 years ago
Tilly Ramsay and Nikita Kuzmin Tango to Kings & Queens by Ava Max ✨ BBC ...
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mskinkyafro · 5 years ago
House Call (Ethan x MC)
A/N:  I have other fics I need to start writing, but I couldn’t help but want to get this idea out since it wouldn’t leave my head all day yesterday after playing the chapter. Just a small continuation/reimagine of the opening scene this chapter when Ethan shows up. I added my own dialogue and descriptions to the original scenes that are from PB.
Pairing: Ethan x MC
Rating: T
Note: This fic has suggestive/sexual situations but no actual sexual intercourse of any sort in this fic.
Summary: Ethan personally comes to fetch Katrina for their next case and gets caught off guard.
Soft fur from a small creature brushes Katrina’s skin waking her from a deep slumber. Stretching her limbs, she sits up as a small yawn escapes her lips. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she pulls back her cover from her chest and calls out to the chinchilla.
“Good morning, Nikita.”
The small animal ignores her greeting and snuggles further into the warm blanket. Smiling at the display of affection she settles back into her pile of pillows. As she lets her eyelids flutter shut, impatient knocking causes them to crack open again. Nikita squeaks at the loud noise and peeks her petite head out to look towards the door.
“Tell them to go away, Nikita.”
Katrina flips onto her side and pulls a pillow over her head. As best as she tried to ignore the knocks, they persisted. Reluctantly, Katrina trudges out of her bed forgoing her robe and opens her door, ready to go off on whoever is interrupting her lazy morning.
“This better be important-- Oh!”
Standing in her doorway was none other than Dr. Ramsay. He stood with his arms folded and a dour expression that soon morphed into one of shock. Color rushed to his cheeks as his eyes roamed Katrina’s exposed body and up and down.
“Oh, uh...good morning.” he coughed out.
Ethan lets his eyes linger over her, admiring the way her lingerie hugs her curves. Katrina shakes off her surprise of seeing him and reaches for her silk bonnet and flings it off her head. She runs her hand freely through her curls, trying to fluff them out. Realizing that he’s staring, a smirk finds its way on her face. She places the hand previously in her hair onto her hip and gestures for him to enter as she opens her door wider.
“I didn’t realize I requested a wake-up call. You’re lucky you’re so cute, otherwise I’d slam the door in your face. How did you even get in?”
“I initially was just asking for you to come to the door, but Dr. Greene insisted I come in and get you myself. For I was interrupting his John Carpenter movie marathon and according to him I should be familiar with the layout.” Ethan said.
“Oh, Elijah. You have a great memory, doctor.” she chuckles.
“Pretty difficult to forget, Rookie.”
Ethan steps into her bedroom and shuts the door. He feels her body graze his own as she crosses the room. He felt the urge to touch and pull her in his arms at that moment. Instead, he fixes his attention back to her face, resuming his famous scowl.
“Erm-- enough chit-chat. We have a case. You’ve got three minutes to get dressed.”
“A case?” she questions. Katrina was going to argue but sensing his frustration she decided not to press the issue.
“I’ll be ready in two.”
“Good answer. The board’s desperate to impress this patient, so wear something nice.”
“Are you saying I don’t always look nice?” she teases, trying to lighten his mood any opportunity she got.
“That’s not what I-- What I mean is, we can’t afford not to impress this guy. Afford in a very literal sense.”
She knew he was still upset about Gwyneth. She believed wholeheartedly the original purpose of the team and the clinic and understands where his anger is coming from. However, what’s done is done. Someone had to be willing to make the tough decision to save Edenbrook. Slightly annoyed by his cold demeanor, Katrina thought quickly of a way to punish the grumpy doctor. Turning away from Ethan and with a mischievous look thrown his way over her shoulder, she slipped her thumbs into her thong and slowly took them off.
“Katrina!” he sputtered out.
She turned to face him and threw them at him. Ethan’s eyes go from the thin fabric in his hands to her half-naked body.
“What? It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” she says in a seductive tone.
“I...You...What are you doing?” he stutters, swallowing to moisten his suddenly dry throat.
“Doing what you said...” Katrina takes off her bra and drops it onto the floor. Leaving herself completely nude.
She steps closer to the man as his heated gaze follows her every move. With a determined look on her face, she forces him to sit on the edge of the bed. She takes her panties from his hands and tosses them to the side and maneuvers so that she straddles his lap. A smug smile grows from her lips as she feels his growing excitement, 
“...getting dressed.”
Katrina lets her fingers caress his face and moves her mouth to whisper innocently into his ear.
“Or did you change your mind?”
Ethan feels his pulse race as he slowly loses his grasp on his self-constraint. Over the last weeks, he’s managed to resist the woman in front of him as difficult as it's been. And lately he’s been irritated with the young doctor and planned to stay that way for a little longer, but right now she’s making it nearly impossible.  
“Kat...uh..no I...erm haven’t. We should focus,” he answers her nervously. Placing his hands on her waist Ethan lifts Katrina off him and places her next to him. His fingers leave an imprint on her smooth, coffee hue skin. He stands up swiftly to clear his calm himself and turns back to face her, focusing his eyes solely on her face.
“I, uh...Do you need...help finding something?
Katrina puts her finger to her plump lips, pretending to think.
“Since you offered, could you be a dear and grab my other matching set from my top drawer?”
Desperate for any task to keep him from peaking down at Katrina, Ethan reels around toward her dresser and pulls open her drawer and sifts through the items until he pulls out a powder blue lace thong and it’s matching bra. Clearing his throat, he extends his arm out holding the flimsy garments toward her.
Getting up from the bed, Katrina saunters to Ethan and first grabs the dainty panties and slowly slides them over her ass. She then takes the bra from his hand and puts each arm through their respective straps, leaving the back unattached. She spins to face away from him and steps back so that her frame is inches away from his body.
“One last thing. Will you fasten it for me?”
Murmuring a few indistinguishable words Ethan hesitantly reaches and latches the hooks securing her bra to her chest.
“There. You don’t need any more help.”
Right as he was about to move his hands, Katrina reaches out behind her and grasps his wrists to pull his arms forward. She places her hands onto her lace-clad breasts and presses her ass into his groin, grinding softly.
“Kat…” Ethan gasps.
She bites her lip and holds the moan that threatens to bubble from her lips at the feel of Ethan’s instinctive counterattack to her movements. Still achieving to wear him down she makes his hands massage and squeeze her chest as she continues her alluring assault.
“Oh but I do, Ethan. Help me to help you.” her voice laced with desire.
Katrina’s words seem to be the last thing keeping his thin-veiled resolve in-tact. Given into his weakness, Ethan spins her into his embrace. Their breaths ghost the lips of the other as they stare at each other. It’s so quiet that only the steady beating of each other’s heart can be heard. As Ethan leans in with his eyes shut, Katrina immediately breaks from his hold and heads to her closet pulling out a professional navy blue outfit.
“Look at the time, we really should get going.”
“But--” Ethan stutters, confused at the sudden change.
She swiftly throws on her dress, white coat, and heels. Katrina then struts back towards Ethan and places a slow, passionate kiss on his lip. She lets her tongue find his own, savoring the taste of coffee. Ethan lets himself get lost once more, missing having her lips onto his. He presses with hunger, ignoring his lungs plea for air. Deciding she has him right where she wanted, Katrina gives a final nibble on his bottom lip then stops. 
With a grin and quick pat to his cheek she heads toward her door and calls out,
She leaves Ethan in her room with a confused look on his face and a noticeable bulge in his pants. He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration, kicking himself. Meanwhile, outside Katrina walks down the steps towards a red mini cooper and opens the door and slides into the backseat.
“What took so long? And where the hell is Ramsey?” June questioned.
“Sorry, I had to get dressed and Ethan has to...take care of something.” Katrina said with a sly glint in her eyes.
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innuendodancing · 3 years ago
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sailorzakuro · 3 years ago
So I'll go through the song and dance reveals on Tuesday when they're released (they still do it on Tuesdays right) but the only one I'm sure of is John and Johannes doing a tango to New Order Blue Monday 80S TANGO GAYS COME ON WOOHOO
If I remember correctly Rose and Giovanni are doing a jive and Tilly and Nikita are doing a waltz... oh and Robert and Dianne Boney M Rasputin triple cha didn't Natalie and Artem do that like 8 years ago hasn't that song like made a return recently idk I heard it on a Spotify ad for chart songs so I presume it made a comeback good it's a banger 😂. The other couples tho I can't remember if they said anything I'll just wait till they're revealed lol.
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westerosiladies · 6 years ago
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-Nikita Gill
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low-budget-korra · 6 years ago
You guys realize that for the media a woman can only be strong if she loses someone, usually a male figure. Or after being physically / sexually / psycologically abused by a man?
And when one Woman appears that is simply strong, without making use of these plot, usually they receive mainly hate of the masculine public
~ Cof cof Captain Marvel cof cof ~~
So what's the problem with these plot types?
They tend to romanticize, glorify and in cases, fetishize the suffering of the woman.
Sansa did not need to be tortured by Ramsay to stop being "innocent." She ceased to be the moment they cut off her father's head.
Dany, look, I know a lot of people ships her and Karl Drogo but seriously ...
I understand that when they got married, she did not have the option to say "no" and I also understand that maybe she thought trying to connect with her husband was a better way of dealing with the situation. But the series romanticized so much, I see people thinking of them as the cutest couple and I'm like, "You guys remember he raped her right?"
Cersei, she was raped by Jaime (something even totally out of his character at that time of his development) next to the corpse of his son and everyone treated as "surprise sex".
Lyanna Stark. Do you think she would be happy and "okay" to know that her father and older brother died because of her affair with Rheagar?
Dorne has naturally strong women and they have turned into the worst core of the show
Particularly I do not see problem when this plot is used because in certain contexts, unfortunately, it is something realistic and honest.
But does it have to be explicit? Need to be romanticize? Need to be sexualize? NO!!!!
Mad Max Fury Road did not have to.
Jessica Jones did not and, she didnt got stronger after.
The Handmaids Tale too, cause that world his most fucked up them The Game of Thrones. But i think they kinda lost the hand about that in season2, they didnt have to be that explicit in that one scene. If You saw The show, You probably what im talking about.
Sharp Objects didnt have too
Nikita has a character name Alex that was literally a sex slave in some point but they never show us that violence.
The Legend of Korra did not need it and when they used it, they used it with responsibly , approaching something as serious as PTSD.
Btw the Avatar series has like 70% of woman characters and they are all badass in their own way. One of The best tv show when It comes to female characters
And when this plot is adapted for some male character, with reversal of roles. The Violence in addition to being treated more seriously sometimes is still treated as comedy. As if it were absurdly demoralizing for a man to assume this typically female role in the media.
But in 99% of cases, they prefer to romanticize, glorify, and fetishize violence against women.
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sexydeathparty · 3 years ago
Gordon Ramsay Reveals His Strictly Come Dancing Dream... But There's Two Big Things Standing In His Way
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Strictly Come Dancing bosses will be thrilled to hear Gordon Ramsay “secretly” dreams of being on the show, but there’s two big things standing in his way – his feet. 
The TV chef revealed his desire to follow in his daughter Tilly’s footsteps by appearing on the BBC ballroom show, but says his size 15s “were not made for a dancefloor”. 
In an interview with Radio Times, Gordon said he was previously asked to take part in a Christmas special with his road tripping chums Gino D’Acampo and Fred Sirieix, but turned it down. 
“I would love to do it, though,” he said. “Secretly, I’d love to do it. I’ve always wanted to dance. 
“There’s something so gorgeous about the rumba, the samba, the foxtrot, the tango… I don’t know. I may ask the BBC if I could do it next year.”
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He said that Tilly – who finished sixth on last year’s series of Strictly – would “kill him” if he was to sign up, adding: “But the only bit I’d be slightly nervous about is all the tight lycra, sequins and the trousers.
“I’ve got size 15 feet and they were not made for a dancefloor, let me tell you.”
Gordon was regularly seen in the Strictly audience supporting Tilly and her professional partner Nikita Kuzmin last year. 
During the series, the chef jumped to his daughter’s defence when radio DJ Steve Allen made comments about Tilly’s weight live on his show.
Read the full interview with Gordon in this week’s Radio Times, on sale now. 
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Gordon Ramsay Left Daughter's Boyfriend 'Shaking' After Terrifying Video Call
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Ofcom Reaches Verdict On DJ Steve Allen's On-Air Comments About Tilly Ramsay's Weight
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Gordon Ramsay Speaks Out Following Radio DJ Steve Allen's Comments About Daughter Tilly's Weight
from HuffPost UK - Athena2 - All Entries (Public) https://ift.tt/ce0yb5W via IFTTT
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globalhappenings · 3 years ago
Strictly arena tour in chaos when Tilly Ramsay's pro partner Nikita Kuzmin backs out
Strictly arena tour in chaos when Tilly Ramsay’s pro partner Nikita Kuzmin backs out
Strictly professional dancer Nikita Kuzmin was forced to withdraw from the live tour at the last minute after testing positive for Covid. The professional dancer, who joined Tilly Ramsay on Strictly’s latest series and was ready to dance with her on the national tour, shared the news on Instagram Thursday after leaving before the first live show in Birmingham that night. Nikita assured fans that…
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